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  • es un Manual de Marca del Museo Digital. Nuestra colección incluye: manual de marca, pautas de identidad corporativa, estándares gráficos, pautas de identidad visual, libro electrónico de marca, manual de marca, folleto de imagen de marca y guía de estilo de logotipo. es un sitio de publicación y recopilación de recursos abiertos. Recopilamos y organizamos el contenido, pero no somos propietarios de los derechos de autor.

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Marca Manual Descargar Recomienda

Hemos seleccionado cuidadosamente a partir de una gran cantidad de manual de marca ( directrices de identidad corporativa de la marca ) , proporcione la simple descripción y el enlace de descarga . Haga clic aquí para ir al recomendar la página .

Waddington International Airshow using our identity

Waddington International Airshow using our identity

We are excited to introduce you to the new event identity for the Royal Air Force Waddington International Air Show. Regularly attracting over 135,000 visitors each year, the event is the largest of all RAF air shows and one of the biggest and most popular outdoor summer events in the UK. The main objective of the Air Show is to raise public awareness and understanding of the RAF and its role today. Proceeds from the Air Show are distributed to the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund, the Royal Air Forces Association and to local charities supported by Royal Air Force Waddington.

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Steer Davies Gleave Brand and communications

Steer Davies Gleave Brand and communications

The core areas that define our practice are movement, environment and identity.

Our work covers wayfinding, urban environments, information systems, brand strategy, consultation and communication.

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Sudwestfalen Corporate Design Manual

Sudwestfalen Corporate Design Manual

Die starke Marke Südwestfalen
Südwestfalen ist Deutschlands „jüngste Region“. Erst Ende 2007 haben der Hochsauerlandkreis, der Märkische Kreis sowie die Kreise Olpe, Siegen-Wittgenstein und Soest – unterstützt
von den 59 Städten und Gemeinden – eine zielgerichtete Zusammenarbeit unter dem Dach Südwestfalen vereinbart. Der letzte weiße Fleck auf der nordrhein-westfälischen Regionenkarte
wurde damit gefüllt.
Die südwestfälischen Akteure haben in der Konstituierungsphase eine klare Vision entworfen: Die Region soll als erfolgreicher Wirtschaftsraum national und international profiliert werden. Wettbewerbsstärke und Innovationskraft sollen mit der starken Marke Südwestfalen unter Beweis gestellt werden.

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Durban University of Technology Brand Identity Guidelines

Durban University of Technology Brand Identity Guidelines

Welcome to the revised corporate identity guidelines for Durban University of Technology. This identity has been developed by staff and students of Workspace - Work Integrated Learning Design Studio in response to a strategic repositioning plan developed in 2011 and approved by Council in March 2012.
This identity is intended to provide a new platform on which we as TEAM DUT can collectively reposition how we present ourselves to our respective target markets.
This logo and visual identity has been designed to work in tandem with a modular design system, based on the square, with the idea of presenting a unified and single-minded visual voice across a wide range of uses and formats whilst retaining impact.
It is safe to add that no identity is ever complete and that we understand that brand building is an ongoing exercise, in which an identity is constantly being refined.

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Identidad de Marca Design Collection

Recoge trabajos de dise?o del mundo acerca de la identidad de marca , Haga clic aquí para ir a la Identidad de Marca Design Collection.

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