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  • è un museo digitale del manuale del marchio, la nostra collezione comprende: manuale del marchio, linee guida per l'identità aziendale, standard grafici, linee guida per l'identità visiva, ebook del marchio, manuale del marchio, brochure sull'immagine del marchio e guida allo stile del logo. è una raccolta di risorse aperte e un sito di pubblicazione, raccogliamo e organizziamo il contenuto, ma non possediamo il copyright.

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Abbiamo selezionato con cura da un sacco di manuale di marca (guida di riferimento di identità di marchio aziendale), fornire la semplice descrizione e link per il download. Clicca qui per saltare a consigliamo di scaricare.

International Inner Wheel Branding Guidelines

International Inner Wheel Branding Guidelines

We have created these guidelines to make our institution’s communications more cohesive and authoritative.
Our visual identity is the outward expression of the values of International Inner Wheel and the way we choose to express ourselves to our friends and colleagues.

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UGA University of Georgia Visual Identity Style Guide

UGA University of Georgia Visual Identity Style Guide

The University of Georgia logo and its basic configurations may be used by any program which has a formal association with the University of Georgia. These logos are to be used for non-profit purposes, unless formally licensed through Fermata Partners, our licensing partner, and in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this publication.

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Temptation Resort Spa Cancun corporate identity manual

Temptation Resort Spa Cancun corporate identity manual

A successful brand does not only speak about the product it sells, but also portrays the company, including the people that work for it and the values that guide their decisions and actions.

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Decide with Confidence  Publication Guidelines

Decide with Confidence Publication Guidelines

Every D&B publication – brochure, catalog or fact sheet – gives us an opportunity to express and reinforce our distinctive identity. It is a chance to remind our audiences of the people behind our brand, our values, and the promises we make to our customers.
D&B communications must be consistent to establish and reinforce awareness of our brand. But consistency doesn’t mean inflexibility. These guidelines provide a consistent framework for a wide variety of design solutions. All of our publications have different communication objectives, but each should also memorably enhance the D&B identity in our readers’ minds.

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Brand Identity Design Collection

Raccogliere opere di design di tutto il mondo circa l'identità di marca, Clicca qui per andare alla Brand Identity Design Collection.

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