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  • es un Manual de Marca del Museo Digital. Nuestra colección incluye: manual de marca, pautas de identidad corporativa, estándares gráficos, pautas de identidad visual, libro electrónico de marca, manual de marca, folleto de imagen de marca y guía de estilo de logotipo. es un sitio de publicación y recopilación de recursos abiertos. Recopilamos y organizamos el contenido, pero no somos propietarios de los derechos de autor.

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Marca Manual Descargar Recomienda

Hemos seleccionado cuidadosamente a partir de una gran cantidad de manual de marca ( directrices de identidad corporativa de la marca ) , proporcione la simple descripción y el enlace de descarga . Haga clic aquí para ir al recomendar la página .

Kia Motors Corporation Corporate Identity Standard Manual

Kia Motors Corporation Corporate Identity Standard Manual

User's Guide
1. You are lcindly requested to manage the Kia Motors Corporation Cl Standard Manual thoroughly so that it may not be disclosed to external use or be duplicated without permission. In the event that  you need to use it for the purpose of reproduction,e.g. manufacture,etc. it is recommended you to download the correct data from the attached CD-ROM or Cl-net.

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Moreton Bayislands Visual Identity Guidelines

Moreton Bayislands Visual Identity Guidelines

These are the Moreton Bay and Islands visual identity guidelines.
Our visual identity is made up of several elements, all of which come together to represent the region in a distinct and memorable way. These elements have been uniquely crafted to reflect what is at the heart of our brand.
The purpose of this document is to provide a set of rules and guides that will ensure our visual identity remains consistent, ownable and unique. Used correctly it will help us to tell the Moreton Bay and Islands story and will ensure that those who interact with the region understand who we are and what we are about.

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TE Connectivity Visual Identity Guidelines

TE Connectivity Visual Identity Guidelines


No other company in the world connects and protects the flow of power and data in more products than TE Connectivity.As our company has evolved over more than 50 years, so has our business strategy and focus. We are changing our name to TE Connectivity to better reflect who we are and what we do.In a world that is now increasingly connected, we provide connectivity solutions across almost every industry around the globe.
Our new brand will become one of our most valuable assets.It must be communicated and applied consistently and accurately to maintain its strength and integrity. This overview document provides the resources to accurately portray the brand and communicate the attributes and qualities of our company.

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Subsea 7 Brand Guidelines Manual

Subsea 7 Brand Guidelines Manual

Our brand is really about two things: our personality and appearance. Most of the information in our brand guidelines is designed to help you make sure we present ourselves to the world in a consistent way – whether you are producing a brochure or a new business card, an exhibition stand or a hard hat. But it’s also useful to know something about the less tangible elements of our brand – the things that effectively constitute our brand personality.

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Identidad de Marca Design Collection

Recoge trabajos de dise?o del mundo acerca de la identidad de marca , Haga clic aquí para ir a la Identidad de Marca Design Collection.

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