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Professionals brand identity

Professionals brand identity

Professionals identity new look design rationale

Overall comments

The new marks and logo's makeover moves the Professionals branding to dynamic, forward-moving, exciting, positive and approachable, while retaining the clean crisp finish needed to communicate credibility and professionalism.

As part of the consideration relevant to the brand and how it relates to today’s market, with a focus on a potential large female impact in sales, OZ SOLUTIONS suggested a refinement or enhancement of the existing logo (name, underline and star inclusive) be considered.The suggestion was on the basis of reflecting the image Professionals wishes to have in the marketplace now and in the future and to reflect the elements that customers have indicated via market research that they desire (and demand) in a real estate or property company of choice.

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Betsson Brand Manual

Betsson Brand Manual

YOU ARE IN A CASINO and you’ve just placed a huge bet on the roulette. All money on number 18. Suddenly you’re back in that state-of-mind, the state you’re in just before you know if you’re winning or not. A moment when the pulse rises and the adrenalin boosts; when everything freezes and you feel every heart beat pounding.

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PREMIERSHIP Rugby corporate brand guidelines

PREMIERSHIP Rugby corporate brand guidelines

Premiership Rugby is the organisation which represents the 12 professional Rugby Union clubs, who compete in the Premiership Rugby competition, the European Cup, the Anglo-Welsh Cup and the Premiership Rugby 7s Series.

Premiership Rugby’s main objectives are to:
• Build greater awareness of rugby union at elite club level
• Drive commercial revenues and attendances
• Ensure the long-term viability of its clubs and tournaments
• Create and implement on behalf of the clubs mid- and long-term strategies for the benefit of the club game

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Half the Sky Movement Identity Guidelines

Half the Sky Movement Identity Guidelines

Every organization has a specific public identity — an identity formed in part by the look of its printed materials, TV appearance, web site, etc. Each element of communication contributes to the overall impression that people have of the organization.
When an organization’s identification program is a coordinated one, it projects a unified character that effectively reinforces all of its activities. The Half the Sky movement is cutting across platforms to ignite the change needed to put an end to the oppression of women and girls worldwide, which is the defining issue of our time.

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Brand Identity Design Collection

Raccogliere opere di design di tutto il mondo circa l'identità di marca, Clicca qui per andare alla Brand Identity Design Collection.

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