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Abbiamo selezionato con cura da un sacco di manuale di marca (guida di riferimento di identità di marchio aziendale), fornire la semplice descrizione e link per il download. Clicca qui per saltare a consigliamo di scaricare.

HSBC Brand Basic Elements North America

HSBC Brand Basic Elements North America

HSBC’s brand identity, the unique associations that represent what the brand means to customers, employees, investors, and other constituencies, is derived from our values, culture, drives and vision:

Our cultural values – HSBC is an ethically-grounded, conservative, trustworthy builder of long-term customer relationships across the world.
Our basic drives – HSBC is a highly productive, cost-conscious, team-orientated, creative organization focused clearly on serving its customers.
Our vision – HSBC’s vision is to be the world’s leading financial services company.

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2011 Premier's Awards Innovation theme style guide

2011 Premier's Awards Innovation theme style guide

This guide contains specific standards and instructions for representing The 2011 Premier’s Awards ‘Innovation’ logo and theme graphics in all forms of written, printed and electronic communications for internal or external use. Adherence to these standards is mandatory and should not be interpreted as mere suggestion.

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Car Quest Auto Parts brand identity and logo guidelines

Car Quest Auto Parts brand identity and logo guidelines

What is Brand?
A brand is more than just a name and a logo. A brand is a promise of uniqueness, quality and value. In short, a brand distinguishes an organization and its offerings from the competition and helps build preference and loyalty in an environment where customers have choices.

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Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network Graphic Standards

Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network Graphic Standards

A Guide to Graphic Standards outlines the graphic identity for the Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network. The guidelines are intended to enhance the identity of the Network as a key tool for exploring, learning about, enjoying and conserving the Chesapeake Bay. This is achieved by developing a degree of consistent design throughout the Gateways Network, while always respecting the great diversity of individual Gateways. The guidelines also maintain a limited design link with the National Park Service—the coordinating organization for the Network—by
adapting certain graphic design elements used by the Park Service.

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Brand Identity Design Collection

Raccogliere opere di design di tutto il mondo circa l'identità di marca, Clicca qui per andare alla Brand Identity Design Collection.

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