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  • es un Manual de Marca del Museo Digital. Nuestra colección incluye: manual de marca, pautas de identidad corporativa, estándares gráficos, pautas de identidad visual, libro electrónico de marca, manual de marca, folleto de imagen de marca y guía de estilo de logotipo. es un sitio de publicación y recopilación de recursos abiertos. Recopilamos y organizamos el contenido, pero no somos propietarios de los derechos de autor.

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Marca Manual Descargar Recomienda

Hemos seleccionado cuidadosamente a partir de una gran cantidad de manual de marca ( directrices de identidad corporativa de la marca ) , proporcione la simple descripción y el enlace de descarga . Haga clic aquí para ir al recomendar la página .

Electrolux ECVS Brand Identity Principles

Electrolux ECVS Brand Identity Principles

Brand Identity - Guidelines, Principles and Graphic Elements

The brand Identity principles and guidelines provide you with a clear system to work within, and contain all the basic information you need for the creation of marketing materials. They are the tools to build a consistent impression of the Electrolux brand. By following these guidelines we will all contribute to the building of a stronger, more interesting and well-known brand. It is essential to maintain a high level of integrity and adherence to these guidelines in the use of the Electrolux brand.

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El Dorado Demerara Rum brand identity guidelines

El Dorado Demerara Rum brand identity guidelines


It is important that the EL DORADO brand identity is used consistently, however or wherever it is used. It is equally important that the identity is not allowed to drift or to become corrupted.

The most important element is the EL DORADO logo which is designed in a number of versions in order to ensure flexibility of use in different applications.

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NuVasive Spine Foundation Corporate Style Guide

NuVasive Spine Foundation Corporate Style Guide

Freddy was confined to a hospital bed in his hometown in Kenya—he had a collapsed L4-L5 vertebrae which resulted in severe pain in his back and no mobility in his legs. With no access to appropriate medical care, Freddy had little hope and accepted that he probably only had a few weeks or months left to live.

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LSIS visual identity communications standards

LSIS visual identity communications standards

Here you’ll find everything you need to know about our visual identity; why it is what it is and why it’s important. How to use it to best effect to help you make ‘on-brand’ documents and publications more easily. You can navigate using the top menu bar.

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Identidad de Marca Design Collection

Recoge trabajos de dise?o del mundo acerca de la identidad de marca , Haga clic aquí para ir a la Identidad de Marca Design Collection.

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